Simple support for UK businesses to understand, measure and reduce your carbon footprint, save energy, and decarbonise your organisation.

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Carbon Sense provides SUPPORT TO HELP YOUr ORGANIsATION be more sustainable

We make the process of carbon measurement, recording and carbon reduction simple and sustainable. We have extensive experience in supporting organisations of all sizes in the UK to understand and calculate their carbon footprint accurately and plan to reduce emissions.

  • Understand, measure and monitor your carbon footprint
  • Create a carbon reduction plan to reduce your emissions
  • Procure greener energy and reduce consumption
  • Offset your carbon emissions accurately responsibly
  • Achieve a low carbon or Net Zero operation

Carbon Accounting

Carbon Reduction

Life cycle

Energy management
and Procurement


Literacy Training

our clients


Carbon Sense
Case Studies

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Carbon Sense

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Carbon Literacy Training an Essential Tool for Businesses

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, Carbon Literacy has emerged as an essential tool for businesses seeking to reduce their environmental impact. Carbon Sense understands the value and benefits of Carbon Literacy Training whether for a team within your business, or for your entire organisation.

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What are the benefits of a Carbon Reduction / Decarbonisation Plan

A carbon reduction or decarbonisation plan is a set of strategies and actions that an organisation, community, or government implements to reduce its carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change.

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Carbon removal vs carbon avoidance credits

Carbon credits, and their differences, is a frequent topic of discussion. When developing a sustainability strategy or communicating about sustainability, its essential for businesses to understand these differences

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