Carbon Sense

We are a small team of business experts based in the UK passionate about helping small to medium enterprises thrive and achieve green growth.

If you need help with a carbon reduction plan, making the first step towards Net Zero, or looking for support to achieve a recognised environmental accreditation, we make the process simple and cost-effective.

We have extensive experience of supporting organisations of all sizes to calculate their carbon footprint, understand it and plan to reduce it practically.

Why measure?

The Paris Agreement of 2015 (COP21) set the world on a path to Net Zero. As a direct consequence, all signatory countries had to set a range of Nationally Defined Contributions (NDCs) that will get the GHG Emissions in their countries down in line with the Science Based Targets.​ consistent with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C.

Contact us to discuss how we can support you on your Net Zero journey.

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In addition, many large companies have made their own commitments to lower GHG Emissions. ​

Both of these are driving the need to act on emissions for a wide range of organisations. Some of examples of these include:​

  • In June of 2021 the UK Government announced that, from Oct 2021, all companies wanting to bid for Public sector contracts with a value of £5m or more must have a credible carbon management plan (PPN 06/21).
  • Many large companies have strengthened the sustainability requirements in tenders prioritising contract awards to those companies who can show a commitment to and progress against lowering carbon emissions​.


It is expected that in the coming years, the amount of enabling legislation as well as the tax regime on carbon will increase significantly. This means that the cost of emissions is likely to increase significantly as it is the reluctance for (especially larger) firms to trade with companies who can’t demonstrate being low carbon.

Carbon Sense provides A RANGE OF SUPPORT TO HELP ORGANISATIONS IN THE uk reduce their carbon footprint AND be more sustainable

Carbon Accounting

Carbon Reduction

Life cycle

Energy management
and Procurement


Literacy Training

our clients



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